Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas With NLO, 2011

Before I share the wonders of Christmas Day at NLO, I need to testify to the hand of God and His Saving Grace!

We received word yesterday that one of our guests passed away.  While the news was saddening; we rejoiced in knowing that JUST DAYS BEFORE his passing, he knelt and asked Christ to enter his heart!

Ben spent his first of many Christmas' in the presence of Jesus Christ! 

Lives are being changed for eternity through Nothing Lost Outreach!  That is why God put the burden on Pastor Jeff's heart for the homeless and poverty stricken!  To reach down and give a hand up!  A hand up that became eternity with Jesus Christ!  As a friend put it, "Ben is no longer homeless!"  Hallelujah!

Just yesterday, Pastor Jeff preached on our circumstances.   "We see the tree, God sees the tree, to the tree He died on, to the forest!" WOOHOO! When our eyes are on our circumstances, we have to think past the tree and look to the forest! HALLELUJAH!

We had MANY volunteers for our Christmas Dinner at NLO!  We had less than a dozen signed up to help, but were blessed with MANY more than that!  God is blessing and meeting the needs of NLO in such a way that only He can get the glory!

As with Thanksgiving, Waterfront Mission provided the entire meal, to include the paper products!  We had so much food we were able to provide a to go box as well as the main meal.

We also gave out Christmas bags to our guests.  Our goal was to have 100 bags on and, God honored the prayers of many and 106 bags for adults and12 bags for children were provided! 

The bags included a water bottle, hat, gloves, snack items, hand warmers, a blanket, an actual bag, toilet paper, a flash light and batteries!  The furthest we had bags come from was NORTH CAROLINA!  How amazing is that!  People from all walks of life, churches, and denominations took part is helping us reach the goal and we thank each of you that participated!  NLO could not do what it is doing without the support of so many!  Thank you! 

The following are some of the photos from Christmas Day.  Some pics are blurry, but wanted to share.

I have many more photos, but wanted to at least get these up for all to enjoy and see what God is doing through Nothing Lost Outreach.

Lives are being changed for eternity, including mine!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

The very presence of God was experienced at Nothing Lost on Thursday. 

Needs were met with physical clothing, stomachs were filled with warm food donated by Waterfront
Mission, and ears and souls heard the gospel; some for the first time.

God is showing himself time and time and again through NLO.

If you are looking for a place of service, please pray and ask God where He wants you to serve.  If He leads you to NLO, we'd love to have you!

We have changed our schedule because of the time change.  We are beginning service at 3:30 p.m. instead of 4:00 p.m.  Showers, haircuts, and clothing orders are still taking place between 2 and 3:30.  A hot meal is served at 4:30.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Help Us Reach Our Goal of 100 Bags . . . .

Nothing Lost Outreach has set a goal for 100 bags to be distributed to the homeless on Christmas Day.

Each person/family can take us one step closer to our goal!

Items needed for homeless bags:

*Bag (My family is using a Wal-Mart Reusable Bag).
*Fleece Blanket (they go on sale throughout the Thanksgiving and Christmas Season!)
*1 Roll of T.P.
*Baby Wipes (Dollar Tree has a 3 pack for $1.00)
*Bottle of Water
*Snack Bag (chips, fruit cups with pop top lid, etc)
*Flashlight (Dollar Tree)
*Batteries (Dollar Tree)
*Hand warmer pack (I saw them at Wal-Mart for $1.47 each at the check out lane.)

Please contact me on fb or via email at if you would like to contribute.

Thank you!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Self-Less Giving

One of our friends at NLO had a need.  He is seven feet tall and wears a size 15 shoe.  A pair had been previously purchased for him, but someone stole them before he could get them.

When this young man heard the need, he told his mom, "use my money to pay for them."

This young man is only 14 years old ya'll!  His self-less act of love, being the hands and feet of Jesus, has blessed and encouraged my heart so much his morning!

His family also contributed two sleeping bags, a jacket, and some socks for NLO.

While there have been many donations; these contributions from this family speaks volumes.  It's indescribable (just like the love of Christ to all of us . . . indescribable!)

Please join me in praying for this family that God would meet the needs they have above and beyond.

Pray also for our friend that is going to be receiving the shoes, that his life will be touched and that God would be glorified!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Changing Lives For Eternity!

While I was not able to attend the praise and worship service on Sunday, November 6th, I did get to see pictures of an amazing event that took place. . . . . a renewing of wedding vows!

SEE! Amazing things are happening at NLO!

Lives are being changed for eternity!

We are in the beginning process of preparing for Christmas. We are believing God to provide 100 homeless bags to be distributed on Christmas Day (falls on Sunday this year and NLO will take place).

We are reaching out to MANY area churches, home school groups, families, and individuals (near and far) to see if this can be a community effort in reaching this goal.

If your group or family does not have a community effort; please pray about making NLO a part of your Christmas giving.

Donations can be mailed to Ensley First Baptist Church, 50 West Johnson Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32514.

Makes checks payable to NLO with Christmas bags in the description line.

Think on it; pray on it and let me know if you are interested in a list of items needed for the bags! Thanks!

While you are praying for God's discernment; please add Ensley Baptist to your prayer list. It is Pastor's Jeff's vision that brought NLO to life. Join me in bringing them before the Lord please.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Life, Birthday's and "The Least of These"

This past Sunday, October 30th, if I am not mistaken, we had our youngest visitor at three weeks of age!  Families are being united, relationships are being formed and friendships are deepening every Sunday at Nothing Lost Outreach

Pastor Josh from Klondike Baptist Church led us not only in our Praise and Worship time, but also in our preaching!  He gave a POWERFUL word from Luke 19:1-10.  We are reminded in these scriptures that those hated and despised were loved; oh so much by Christ.  We are reminded that there is nothing, ever, that we can do that will cause God to not want to have a relationship with us. 

As I am typing the words, "least of these," continue to permeate my heart.   In Matthew 25:31-36 we are reminded of the words from Christ about clothing and feeding, the "least of these."  Keith Green performed a song called, The Sheep And The Goats.  One of my favorite songs.  I encourage you to listen to it.

Pastor Josh showed us that the "least of these," does not say the homeless and the poor; but those hungry and thirsty and needing clothing!  My friend, it is not only the homeless and poor that need Jesus, BUT the rich and powerful as well!  All of us!  Whew!  Oh the lies satan tells when one is convinced that money will change everything!

We must open our eyes and seize every opportunity to serve . . . even (especially) those to whom we can gain nothing in return.  Oh the peace and joy one can have, when serving with a heart like that!

Wow!  Reviewing my notes and reflecting on the message just refreshes this soul!

The following are some photos of our guests and volunteers. 

Pray for them this week.  You don't have to know their names; God already does.

(I just love this one!)

 Sunday was Paula's birthday!
She turned 48 years old! 

Happy Birthday, Paula!

To sum up Pastor Josh's sermon, he quoted  John Newton, song writer of Amazing Grace.  "I am a great sinner, but Jesus is a greater Savior."  Oh, indeed He is!

I don't care what you've done; He loves you.  He can give you a new life.  Come to Him.  Know Him.  Experience life to the fullest.

God Bless.